The Ultimate Guide to Penis Weight Hanging

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penis weight hanging guide with pe weights

If you're looking to make your penis bigger and achieve noticeable gains in length and girth, you're in the right place. Our guide to penis weight hanging is designed just for you, cutting through all the noise and giving you the clear, reliable steps you need to achieve a bigger penis. 

We know there's a lot of misinformation out there, but our PE Weight Hanging Guide keeps it simple and real. You'll learn exactly how to lengthen the penis safely and effectively, whether you're aiming to enhance your size, tackle penile curvature, or use traction devices for enhancement of your small penis.

We're talking about real results, with methods that work, so you can start seeing the gains you've been wanting.


Penis Hanging Main Principles 

Before you start hanging weights from your penis, there are 5 basic penis-hanging principles that you need to familiarize yourself with. Whilst penis stretching with weights and PE hanging penis exercises can help you achieve the penis-hanging results you desire, it’s essential that you follow the recommended guidelines.

1. Time Under Tension (TUT)

Time under tension (or TUT) represents the amount of time that your penis is actually under the tension of the penile extender.  

How Long Should You Hang for Pe?

  • Keep each session to 15 minutes of Time Under Tension (TUT). 

  • After every session, take a quick 2 to 5-minute break. This gives your penis shaft time to recover and keeps blood flowing properly before you dive into the next round.

  • Your progress depends on the total time you spend under the tension of these weighted cock rings. The more consistent you are, the faster you'll see results and increase your size.

  • You should also consider adding one extra 15-minute session a day. It might not seem like much, but over a month, that’s 7.5 extra hours of penile traction. These extra penis stretching sessions are lowkey putting you on the fast track to the gains you’re after.

2. Length of PE Training

  • Non-invasive penis enlargement products like penis weights, hangers, stretchers, and extenders can boost your physical dimensions, but they require consistent training over time to be effective.

  • Length of training is the key behind penis-related success—it's not just about how long each session is, but how long you've been consistently training since you started.

  • To see real penis weight hanging results, your penis needs enough recovery time, which is a balance between time under tension and the overall duration of your training.

  • For example, four 15-minute sessions per day equals 1 hour of time under tension daily, adding up to 30 hours in a month.

  • However, those 30 hours can't be crammed into a single week. To achieve safe and effective penis stretching with pie weights, you need a balanced approach that spreads out your training time evenly over the month.

Read on to learn more about Penis Weight Hanging Results

3. Weight / Volume Balance

There’s a lot of debate about how much weight you need for noticeable penis length gains. The truth, according to several sexual medicine reviews, is that different strokes work for different folks. 

We’ve worked with many men on their penile lengthening journey and the feedback we get daily shows that results vary from person to person.

Just like working out any other part of your body, everyone’s different. Some guys report that the penis increases in record time with lighter weights, while others need to work up to heavier penis weights, sometimes over 8 pounds, to start seeing results.

As you get used to penis hanging, you’ll figure out your own pace and see how quickly or slowly your gains become noticeable. Keep at it, and you’ll find what works best for you.

4. Turtling / Retraction

Turtling or retraction affects some guys more than others. We often hear from guys celebrating their penis enlargement gains, but we also get messages from those frustrated by a lack of progress despite consistent PE hanging.

Our first question is always: Are you using any anti-turtle protection? Turtling is when the penises shrink after a session, undoing the gains made. If this keeps happening, it could make the penis tougher, making it harder to achieve gains later, even with more weight. 

How to prevent turtling?

Here are the key ways you can keep turtling at bay:

  • Wear the Zen Hanger ADS (all-day stretcher) for 30 minutes to an hour after your PE hanging sessions to prevent retraction. Adjust the tension to your preference.

  • Use our anti-turtle silicone sleeves from the base to just behind the glands to keep your penis in a semi-stretched state and avoid turtling.

  • If you’re serious about achieving noticeable gain results via hanging weight on your penis, anti-turtle protection is a great practice to get into.

5. Fatigue and Safety

You only get one penis in life, and you should never do anything to put it at risk simply because you want to make it bigger.

Always err on the side of caution when it comes to any type of penile-hanging exercise. The process of achieving penis enlargement is a marathon, not a sprint race. This is why our company motto is “A patient man is a bigger man”.

As guys, we naturally like to try to force things and make things happen faster. But where penis hanging is involved, clinical evidence has shown that this is not a good mentality to have. Patience is necessary and is key if you want to achieve your desired outcome.

How to Hang Weights on Penis - Best PE Weight Guide

Training that requires putting the best pe weight on the male genitals falls into two categories:     

• High weight, low time under tension

• Low weight, high time under tension

An example of high weight/low TUT = 10 pounds penis weight hanging x 5 minutes sessions.

An example of low weight/high TUT = 4 pounds penis weight hanging x 15-minute sessions.

The actual amount of weight that is considered to be ‘high’ or ‘low’ will also vary from person to person.

Some guys (especially those with average penis lengths) start out at a comfortable 5 pounds with no problem, and gradually move up from there. For other guys, 2 pounds of penis hanging weight feels heavy for them and they need to slowly move up in weight.

Weight/volume balance in penis hanging is a personal matter and only you can find what your tolerance is through trial and error. There is no magic bullet when it comes to increasing your penis size. Find your weight tolerances and don’t be afraid to mix up your program with a combination of high weight/low TUT and low weight/high TUT.

Related Products for Penis Hanging Experts

Retraction can be prevented in a number of ways:

Using the Zen Hanger ADS (all day stretcher) for 30 minutes to an hour, after your PE hanging sessions, can help to prevent retraction occurring. The tension can be adjusted, so that you can stay in place and use higher tension for a shorter session, or go with low tension for longer sessions.

all day penis stretcher

You can also use our anti turtle silicone sleeves that can be cut to length and worn from the base of the shaft to just behind the glands/head. This helps to keep the penis in a semi stretched state and prevents turtling.


anti turtling sleeve

Some guys are more susceptible to retraction than others. If you’re serious about achieving noticeable gain results via hanging weight on penis, anti turtle protection is a great practice to get into.

How to Safely Hang Penis Enlargement Weights

Hanging these weights can be done with a quick and easy procedure:

  • Attach adjustable penis hanging weights to your flaccid penis to gradually stretch and elongate it. Start with a low weight and increase slowly; our half-pound weights work perfectly for this.

  • If your penis feels fatigued after a set, don’t push it. Stop and try again the next day. The goal is to stretch the penis without risking injury.

  • Penis hanging builds penile length and strength through micro-tears in the erectile tissues. Consistent use will enhance your penis and increase girth and length.

  • As you get used to hanging weights, you'll learn your own limits. If you take a break, start with lighter weights and work back up.

  • If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop immediately and remove the weights.

Attaching adjustable penis hanging weights to your flaccid penis can gradually stretch and elongate your member.

How to Balance Length Gains with Girth Growth

Suspending penile enhancement hanging weights from the penis will gradually achieve lengthening results. To balance length gains with girth growth, slip your penis inside an automated penis pump.

To learn more about penis pumping before and after results visit this blog post!

As the automated pump mechanism sucks out the air inside the transparent cylindrical tube, the silicone base inside the chamber will expand as your penis becomes fully engorged and erect.

Why Penis Stretching is a Viable Option For You

Every man deserves to feel good about his body. Taking care of your sexual health and well-being is important at any age. If you’ve thought about penis enlargement for a while, but have yet to take the first step on the journey to achieving the gain results that you want, here are 5 reasons why penis hanging is the ideal option

  • If you’re dealing with penis anxiety, penis enlargement through natural methods like penis hanging can seriously boost your confidence and sense of masculinity. With regular use, you’ll enjoy longer, harder erections and a stronger sense of well-being.

  • Adding length and girth to your erect penis can make you feel more confident in the bedroom and spark an increase in your sex drive.

  • Training with penis weight hangers gives you more than just length. You’ll see better stamina, increased semen volume, and improved performance. Master daily penis stretching exercises to easily learn how to delay ejaculation and enhance your experience.

  • If you’re hesitant about risky surgeries like penoplasty or phalloplasty, penis hanging offers a safer route. Commit to daily practice, and you can achieve the penile length you want without the significant risks of surgery.

Investing in high-quality penis hanging accessories, weights, extenders, and pumps is a fraction of the cost compared to expensive surgeries. 

penis weights - half pound increments

There You Have Your Basic PE Weight Guide to Penis Hanging

Now that you’ve got the inside scoop on penis weight hanging, it’s time to say goodbye to the woes of erectile dysfunction and take charge of your journey to a bigger, better you using penis weights. 

There's no better time than now to achieve the penis you've always wanted to have. Just imagine the confidence boost, the satisfaction, and the newfound respect you'll experience when you see real results. It's totally possible, and you're just one step away.

With our top-rated penis weight stretch systems, you're not just investing in a product; you're investing in yourself. You’ll be gifting yourself the ability to the ability to feel more confident, more attractive, and more satisfied with your body.

Men seeking to take control and change their story can visit our store today and make your pick from our massive collection of penis-weight hanging systems and accessories.

For further insights and information, read our post on How to Enlarge Penis Naturally (5 Proven Techniques).

 Medical Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, questions, or concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider directly. The articles on Zen Hanger are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis, or treatment.

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