Penis Pump Before & After Results

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Erectile dysfunction impacts approximately 40% of men aged 40 and above, with the prevalence increasing significantly among men over the age of 70. This condition can undermine self-confidence and self-worth, and may result in complications within romantic relationships.

Exploring personal enhancement options brings many to the doorstep of techniques promising significant improvements in confidence and performance. Among these, penis pumping has garnered attention for its potential benefits, leading many to wonder about the real penis pump before & after results. 

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of what penis pumping entails, its benefits, the realistic outcomes one can expect, and important considerations to keep in mind. Whether you're curious about the process or considering its use, you'll find valuable insights and information here.

What is Penis Pumping?

Penis pumping, a term that has piqued the curiosity of many, refers to the practice of using a vacuum device to enhance penile size and function. This technique is not just about seeking an increase in size; it's a journey toward improving sexual health and confidence for many individuals.


The device at the heart of this practice, known as a penis pump, consists of a cylinder that fits over the penis and a mechanism—manual or electric—that creates suction. For detailed instructions on utilizing an electric penis pump, refer to how to use electric penis pump.


The principle behind penis pumping is rooted in the physiology of penile erection, which is essentially a blood flow process. By creating a vacuum around the penis, the pump induces a pressure difference, encouraging an influx of blood into the penile tissues.


This increased blood flow can temporarily enlarge the penis and can also help in achieving and maintaining erections, especially for individuals experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED).


There are two main types of penis pumps: manual and electric. Manual pumps require hand operation to generate suction, offering users control over the pressure applied.


Electronic penis pump, on the other hand, automate the suction process, providing a consistent pressure level that can be particularly beneficial for users seeking ease of use and consistent results.


Penis pumping is more than just a physical procedure; it's a personal experience that varies from one individual to another.


It can be used for various purposes, including as a method to combat ED, as a part of penile rehabilitation post-prostate surgery, or simply for enhancing penile blood flow, sexual pleasure and confidence.




Penis Pump Before & After Results

When considering the use of a penis pump, understanding the potential outcomes is crucial. Users often report a range of effects, from temporary enlargement in both length and girth to improved erectile function and endurance. It's important to set realistic expectations: while many experience noticeable improvements, results can vary based on individual physiology and adherence to recommended usage protocols.

A clinical study conducted from November 1985 to April 1990 aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the vacuum constriction device in treating impotence. Over this period, 216 consecutive patients were enrolled in the study and followed up at different intervals. The study assessed patient satisfaction, partner satisfaction, quality of erection, and frequency of successful intercourse before, during, and after using the device.

Penis Pump Results Before & After the Study

In evaluating the quality of erections, encompassing factors such as hardness, length, and circumference, satisfaction levels surpassed 90% across both groups.

Additionally, a substantial 79% of patients in group 2 reported a statistically significant increase in the frequency of sexual relations within the first year, with 77% maintaining this improvement beyond the initial period, highlighting the efficacy of penis pumping techniques.


ZenHanger Real User Before & After Penis Pumping Results

1. Daniel M.

Location: Austin, TX  

Age: 34  


Zenhanger products used: 


Vac Hanger Penis Pump for Penis Weight Hanging & Stretching Before & After Results

  • Starting length: 5.8"  
  • Starting girth: 4.8"  
  • Ending length: 6.25"  
  • Ending girth: 5.75"  
  • Total length gain: 0.5"  
  • Total girth gained: 1"  



Length (inches)

Girth (inches)

Month 1



Month 2



Month 3



Month 4



Month 5



Month 6




2. John D.

Location: Seattle, WA

Age: 42


Zenhanger products used:


6.5 Pound Penis Weight Hanging Stretching System Penis Clamp Before & After Results

  • Starting length: 5.6"
  • Starting girth: 4.6"
  • Ending length: 6.25"
  • Ending girth: 5.5"
  • Total length gain: 0.75"
  • Total girth gained: 1"



Length (inches)

Girth (inches)

Month 1



Month 3



Month 6



Month 9




3. Ben L.

Location: Tampa, FL

Age: 39


Zenhanger products used:


Vac Hanger Penis Pump System, ADS Before & After Results

  • Starting length: 5.75"
  • Starting girth: 4.5"
  • Ending length: 6.25"
  • Ending girth: 4.75"
  • Total length gain: 0.5"
  • Total girth gained: 0.25"



Length (inches)

Girth (inches)

Month 1



Month 2



Month 3



Month 4



Month 5



Month 6




Interested in seeing the potential changes for yourself? We invite you to view our collection of real-life before and after penis enlargement results from pictures from users who have experienced the benefits of penis pumping firsthand. These testimonials and visual evidence can provide a clearer picture of what to expect and inspire confidence in those considering this method of enhancement.

Factors Affecting Penis Pumping Before & After Results

The effectiveness of penis pumping can be influenced by a variety of factors. Understanding these can help users adjust their practices to achieve their desired results more effectively.


1. Consistency

The key to seeing noticeable results from penis pumping lies in regular and consistent use. Like any physical regimen, the benefits of penis pumping accumulate over time. Users who adhere to a consistent schedule, pumping several times a week, often report more significant and lasting improvements in both size and erectile function compared to those who use the device sporadically.


2. Duration of Sessions

The length of each penis pumping session can also impact its effectiveness. Short sessions may not provide enough time for a significant blood flow increase, while overly long sessions can lead to discomfort or even injury. 


Most manufacturers and health professionals recommend starting with shorter sessions of 10-15 minutes and gradually increasing to 20-30 minutes as one becomes more accustomed to the process. Finding the right balance is crucial for maximizing benefits and minimizing risks.


3. Pressure Level

The level of vacuum pressure applied during pumping is another critical factor. Too little pressure may result in minimal gains, whereas too much pressure can cause vascular damage or bruising. 


It's important to follow the device's instructions and start with lower pressure levels, gradually increasing to find a comfortable and effective setting. Many pumps come with a gauge that helps monitor this pressure, allowing users to maintain an optimal level that encourages growth without risking injury.


4. Technique

Finally, the technique with which one uses the penis pump can influence the results. This includes proper placement of the penis in the cylinder, creating an effective seal at the base to ensure maximum vacuum efficiency, and evenly distributing the pressure along the penis. 


Incorrect use can not only diminish the effectiveness of the session but also increase the risk of discomfort or injury. It is advisable to thoroughly read the user manual and, if possible, consult online tutorials or medical advice to ensure the technique is correctly applied.


By paying close attention to these factors, users can enhance their experience with penis pumping, achieving better results while maintaining safety.


How Does a Penis Pump Work & How to Use It for Best Results?


Understanding the operation of a penis pump is essential for anyone considering its use. At its core, the device employs vacuum technology to enhance penile blood flow, a fundamental aspect of achieving and maintaining erections. Here's a closer look at the science behind it and a step-by-step guide on its usage.

The Mechanism Behind the Pump

A penis pump consists of three main components: a cylinder, a pump, and a release valve. The cylinder is placed over the penis, and the pump, which can be operated manually or powered electrically, is used to remove air from within the cylinder.


This removal of air creates a vacuum or negative pressure, leading to several physiological reactions.


First, the vacuum effect causes the blood vessels within the penis to expand. As these vessels expand, blood flow to the penis increases, filling the erectile tissue.


The result is an erection that can be more substantial and longer-lasting than what some individuals might achieve naturally, especially those with erectile dysfunction.

For detailed instructions on utilizing an electric penis pump, refer to how to use electric penis pump.

Step-by-Step Usage of a Penis Pump for Best Results 

  1. Preparation: Before using a penis pump, it's recommended to trim any pubic hair to ensure a good seal between the cylinder and the skin. Some users also apply a water-based lubricant to the rim of the cylinder for a more comfortable experience.
  2. Fitting the Cylinder: Place the penis inside the cylinder. Ensure it's comfortably fitted against the base of the penis, close to the pelvic bone, to optimize the seal and effectiveness of the vacuum.
  3. Creating the Vacuum: Activate the pump to start removing air from the cylinder. This can be done slowly and gradually with a manual pump by squeezing a hand bulb or, if using an electric pump, by pressing the power button to begin suction.
  4. Monitoring Pressure: Most pumps come with a gauge to monitor the pressure inside the cylinder. It's crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines to avoid over-pumping, which can lead to bruising or other injuries.
  5. Maintaining Erection: Once a satisfactory erection is achieved, a constriction ring can be slid down to the base of the penis if desired. This ring helps maintain the erection by preventing blood from flowing back out of the penis. It should not be worn for more than 30 minutes to prevent damage or discomfort.
  6. Release and Removal: To remove the pump, the vacuum is released using the valve, allowing air back into the cylinder and easing the pressure. The penis can then be gently removed from the cylinder.


Tips for Effective Use

  • Gradual Increase: Start with lower pressure and shorter sessions to allow your body to adjust to the sensation and effects of the pump.
  • Consistency: Regular use can lead to more noticeable results, especially for those using the pump for erectile dysfunction.
  • Safety First: Pay attention to how your body responds. Discomfort or pain is a sign to stop and release the pressure.

Understanding how to properly use a penis pump is as crucial as knowing how it works. By following these guidelines, users can maximize the benefits while minimizing potential risks associated with improper use.

What are the Benefits of Penis Pumping?

woman puts condom on banana

ancements but also for its psychological benefits. Below, we delve into the primary advantages reported by users and supported by clinical studies, providing a clearer picture of what individuals can expect from regular use.


The most immediate benefit observed by users of penis pumps is an increase in penis size, both in terms of length and girth. While these changes are typically temporary, lasting for a few hours after use, regular sessions can lead to more sustained improvements over time. 

A recent study has shown that devices designed to extend the length of the penis are effective. The research also hinted at the potential for these extenders to increase the thickness of the penis head. The findings encourage further studies to explore these results more deeply. However, it's important to note that results can vary widely based on individual physiology and consistency in usage.

For more information on getting a thicker penis, you can explore this comprehensive guide on penis enlargement techniques at Zen Hanger.


2. Improved Erectile Function

Penis pumps are particularly beneficial for men experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED). By enhancing blood flow to the penis, these devices can facilitate the achievement and maintenance of an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. 


3. Enhanced Sexual Confidence

The psychological impact of penis pumping can be profound. Men often report increased sexual confidence stemming from their improved ability to achieve and maintain erections, as well as from temporary size enhancement. This boost in confidence can lead to more satisfying sexual encounters and a positive impact on overall sexual relationships.


4. Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Penis pumps are endorsed by the medical community as an effective treatment for ED. They are often recommended as a first-line treatment, particularly for those who prefer a non-invasive option or for whom pharmacological treatments are contraindicated. 

To explore more about treating erectile dysfunction with vacuum penis pumps, you can visit our blog section for additional insights and information.

A study involving 32 patients, who were on average 54 years old, explored the effectiveness of the Erecaid Osbon pump, a device used to address erectile dysfunction. Notably, 84% of these patients were dealing with organic impotence, a form of erectile dysfunction with a physical rather than psychological cause. The findings were promising, with a success rate of 66% reported after an average follow-up period of 6.6 months. Importantly, the study highlighted that no serious adverse effects were observed during this time. This suggests that using a penis pump can be a practical and safe option for individuals seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction, offering a significant improvement in their condition without the risk of severe side effects.

For more on the benefits, see Benefits of using a penis pump.

Safety Considerations and Risks of Penis Pumping

While penis pumping is generally considered safe when used correctly, there are several safety considerations and potential risks that users should be aware of. Understanding these risks can help mitigate potential negative outcomes.


One of the most common side effects of penis pumping is bruising and discomfort around the base of the penis or within the penile tissue itself. This typically occurs when the vacuum pressure is too high or the pump is used for too long, causing capillaries beneath the skin to burst. 


To minimize this risk, it is crucial to start with lower pressure levels and gradually increase them, as well as to limit sessions to the recommended duration.


2. Temporary Side Effects

Several temporary side effects can arise from penis pumping, including red spots or petechiae, numbness, or a cold sensation in the penis. These side effects are usually a sign of overuse or incorrect use of the pump. 

Sticking to recommended usage guidelines and not exceeding the advised duration and frequency of sessions can help prevent these temporary side effects. If these symptoms do occur, taking a break from pumping until they resolve is advisable.


3. Risk of Injury

In more severe cases, improper use of a penis pump can lead to injury. This includes the risk of vascular damage, which can lead to long-term erectile dysfunction or the formation of blisters if the skin is not adequately lubricated before use. Additionally, the incorrect or excessive use of constriction rings can cause serious damage to penile tissues. 


To avoid injury, it's vital to ensure a proper fit for the device, use adequate lubrication, and follow all operational guidelines carefully.

To use a penis pump safely and effectively, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the device's instructions and heed the above safety considerations. Always start conservatively with pressure and duration, and gradually adjust based on your comfort and the responses observed.


Choosing the Right Penis Pump

Selecting the appropriate penis pump is crucial to achieving your desired outcomes safely and effectively. Various factors should be considered to ensure that the device you choose meets your specific needs. Here's what to look for:


1. Check for Technology Used

Modern penis pumps come equipped with a range of technologies designed to improve effectiveness and enhance user experience. For instance, some models feature automatic pressure regulation, which can help maintain optimal suction levels without manual adjustment. Others offer Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to track their progress through a mobile app. Opting for a pump with the latest technology can provide a more comfortable, efficient, and interactive pumping experience.


2. Quality and Durability

The quality and durability of a penis pump are paramount to its performance and longevity. High-quality materials, such as medical-grade silicone for the sleeve and robust polycarbonate for the cylinder, ensure safety and durability. 

Additionally, pumps that come with a warranty or guarantee offer added assurance of their quality. Investing in a durable, well-made pump can prevent the need for frequent replacements and ensure a safer experience.


3. Size and Fit

Choosing a pump that fits well is essential for effectiveness and comfort. A cylinder too large may not create an effective vacuum, while one too small can cause discomfort or uneven pressure distribution. Look for pumps that offer different sizes or include adjustable features to accommodate various penis sizes and shapes. A proper fit enhances the vacuum's efficiency, leading to better results and minimizing the risk of discomfort.


4. Compare Price

Price is an important consideration, but it should not be the only factor in your decision. While more expensive pumps often offer advanced features and higher quality, there are also cost-effective options that do not compromise safety or effectiveness.

Determine your budget and compare the features and benefits of pumps within that range to find the best value for your investment.


5. Look for Reviews

Customer reviews can provide insight into the real-world performance and reliability of a penis pump.

Reading reviews from other users can help you gauge the effectiveness, ease of use, and potential drawbacks of a device. Look for patterns in feedback, as recurring comments on a specific issue can be particularly telling.

For more detailed guidance on selecting the perfect penis pump for enlargement, including considerations for technology, quality, and user satisfaction, visit Choosing a penis pump.

Explore Zen Hanger Penis Pumps

Embarking on a journey toward personal enhancement and increased confidence requires the right tools. Zen Hanger Penis Pumps are designed with your goals and safety in mind, offering a range of high-quality devices that cater to various needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for the latest in penis pump technology, seeking a durable and effective solution for erectile dysfunction, or aiming to enhance your size and sexual confidence, Zen Hanger has something to offer.

We invite you to explore our collection and discover the perfect penis pump to complement your journey. With detailed product descriptions, user reviews, and comprehensive guides, making an informed choice has never been easier. Begin your path to enhanced personal satisfaction and well-being today.

Explore Zen Hanger Penis Pumps

About Author Dr. Hamad

dr hamad

Dr. Hamad is a renowned expert in the field of men's sexual health and well-being. With a career spanning several years, he has dedicated himself to studying and addressing the complex issues surrounding sexual health. Dr. Hamad's approach to care is rooted in a combination of medical expertise and a deep commitment to compassionate, patient-centered practices.

He is a staunch advocate for informed decision-making and believes strongly in providing individuals with access to safe, effective, and respectful options for sexual enhancement and treatment. Dr. Hamad's work is driven by a mission to empower people with the knowledge and resources necessary to achieve their personal health and wellness objectives.

By offering insights and guidance, Dr. Hamad hopes to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those seeking to improve their sexual health and overall happiness.




  1. Lin H, Wang R. The science of vacuum erectile device in penile rehabilitation after radical prostatectomy. Transl Androl Urol. 2013;2(1):61-66. doi:10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2013.01.04
  2. Tuchschmid, Y., Schmidlin, F., & Graber, P. (1994). Traitement de l'impuissance au moyen de pompes à dépression [Treatment of impotence with suction pumps]. Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie, 4(6), 1009–1016.
  3. Nikoobakht, M., Shahnazari, A., Rezaeidanesh, M., Mehrsai, A., & Pourmand, G. (2011). Effect of penile-extender device in increasing penile size in men with shortened penis: preliminary results. The journal of sexual medicine, 8(11), 3188–3192.

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