Sample Routines and Exercises for Penis Hanging, Penis Stretching, Penis Clamping, and Penis Pumping
The sample penis stretching routines we provide below are just a guideline for users. All users eventually create their own routines. We do highly advise to start slow and ease your way into a steady routine. Its not a race and penis exercises can cause injury if you do not use common sense. If you feel strained at anytime stop what you are doing and take a break. Ultimately it is up to you to know your limits and develop a routine that works for you. Most of our users never surpass the intermediate level and still achieve impressive gains over time. Weight hanging is the staple of our program and is primarily aimed at length gains. Many of our users also report base girth gains along with their length gains when hanging.
The ADS system was developed as a compliment to our hanging system for those of you with the extra time and desire to expedite your gains but in no way is it required to get results and can also be used as a stand alone product. The Zen penis clamp targets girth only for those of you looking to get serious girth gains. Keep in mind that if you are using multiple products in your routine, such as clamping and hanging, you may find yourself more comfortable at the beginner routine for one and intermediate or above for the other. Know your limits, use common sense and develop a routine that will not overwhelm you and you can stay consistent with. Everyone is different and only you know yourself.
Keep our motto in mind.... A patient man is a bigger man. The gains will come. Be sure to check out the tips below the sample routines on this page. We think you will find it very helpful.
* 90% of users never surpass intermediate routines and still get impressive gains

A few tips for you when planning your routines:
- One of the most important tips we can give users is to find a way to integrate your routine into your everyday life. We mention this multiple times on our site because it is so important. Penis enlargement exercises are dependent on long term consistency. Don't burn yourself out. Many of our users integrate their penis exercise time into their shower / personal grooming time. Most of us already carve time out at the beginning or end of our day for personal care so adding another step to that seems to be the easiest way to integrate this new habit into your life. Just find what works for you and stick with it. If your life is too busy and you realistically only have time to stay consistent with the beginner routine, thats fine. You will still get gains over time.
- Always warm up before doing any exercise. If you exercise in the shower warm water is great for blood flow. If you exercise outside the shower a warm towel wrap for a few minutes helps increase blood flow. This is especially important prior to weight hanging or pe hanging.
- Manual stretching is recommended prior to exercise. A few quick 10 - 20 second pulls in each direction (straight out, down, up, side to side) is a great warm up and will get you ready for hanging.
- If you have time for longer hanging sessions we recommend you don't hang for more then 15 minutes at a time. If you plan on having longer sessions take a break for a few minutes every 15 minutes and let the full blood flow return to your penis. This is a safety measure and many people will say its not necessary. Our opinion is better safe then sorry.
- Don't over do it. Guys like to push themselves. Its in our nature. This isn't the gym. Nobody is watching to see how much you bench press today. This is between you and yourself. Start low and slowly work your way up. We have users that have been hanging well over a year and have not out grown their 6.5 pound kit and continue to make gains. Its not a macho show. You only get one penis, make good decisions.
- Life gets in the way sometimes for all of us. Don't get discourage if you fall off your routine. It happens to the best of us. Do shortened versions of your routine if possible or just start back up as soon as you can. Our 6.5 pound adjustable kit comes with a great travel case so you can discreetly travel with your hanging kit. Great for those who travel often. The road to growth is one of a thousand small steps. If you miss a few its not the end of the world. Stay positive.
- We don't recommend any of the gimmick penis pills on the market but we do recommend adding a healthy dose of L-arginine to your daily vitamins. They help increase blood flow and they are natural. This is a common supplement that can be purchased at your local drug store or online. It also known to help performance in the bedroom as a bonus +
- Kegels (AKA pelvic floor exercise) are a great free exercise you can do throughout your day. Nobody even knows your doing them. If you are not familiar with them there is a ton of info free online on how to properly do them. They are very simple. It will benefit you to strengthen you pelvic floor muscles as you make gains. These muscles help you stand at full attention and if all goes as planned you will have more to hold up in the future. Once you start doing them you will see results fairly quickly and wonder why you didn't start doing these before.