5 Things You Can Do To Get A Bigger Penis
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If your reading this then you are most likely searching around the web to see if penis enlargement and penis stretching is a real thing and if so, what are the most effective ways to make your penis bigger.
Today we will discuss 5 things you can do to get a bigger penis. I am going to cover some basic beginner exercises and a few advanced methods. The Basics never go out of style and are great for beginners and as warms ups for guys that are PE veterans.
The 5 Things You Can Do For A Bigger Penis
1. Manual Stretching
The fast and easiest method of penis enlargement is manual stretching.
This is exactly what it sounds like; using your hands to manually stretch and work the penis.

Stretching is a great way to get into penis enlargement with no cost. All you need is your hands. By making the “OK” sign with your dominant hand and gripping behind the glands with a reverse grip you can start your stretch.
Take it easy if are new to this. You may even want to warm up with a hot towel or do this in a warm shower. Start by pulling the penis straight out away from the body. Hold that for up to 30 seconds.
Take a small break for about 10 seconds and then pull in another direction such as straight down. Repeat this in each direction (up, down, side, side). As you become more comfortable you can add rotations.
While gripping the penis you can make small circles in both directions while pulling. This is a basic exercise and you may even see some slight results over time but you will hit a ceiling with this exercise rather quickly and need to move on to more advanced techniques to see continued results.
2. Jelqing

Jelqing is another manual exercise that requires only your hands and is also a great entry level exercise for beginner.
Jelqing is targeted more toward girth gains rather than length.
To properly perform a jelq you will need to have a 70 to 80% erection. Any less and you will not be able to perform correctly and any more is not recommended.
Once you are 70 to 80% erect you want to make a circle with your fingers of one hand and start at the base of the penis with a tight grip.
The goal is to trap blood at the base and move it up the shaft to stretch the walls of the penis.
You should physically see your penis girth expand in front of your hand as you slide it up the shaft. As your first hand is approaching the top of the penis begin the same grip and sliding motion with the other hand.
Make this a slow and steady motion and make sure you are seeing the penis walls expand with each slide. Start with a low goal of 30 to 40 reps and work your way up from there.
Jelqing is a great base exercise that can always stay in your routine.
You can read our other article, Jelqing vs Penis Weights Hanging, to learn more about jelqing.
3. Penis Weight Hanging

The goal is to hang a significant amount of weight from the penis for short periods of time in order to stretch the penis.
When beginning penis weight hanging you will need to start at a low weight and progress to higher weights over time.
Everyone has different weight tolerances so there is no standard. Some guys will start at 2 pounds and max out at 6 pounds and see great results. Other guys will start at 5 pounds no problem and not see results until the get over 10 pounds.
The point is not to achieve as much weight as others but to find your sweet spot that sees results. Read our Penis Hanging Guide
Zen hanger makes a variety of precise weight stacks that are very convenient for penis weight hanging. View our different Penis Weight Hanging devices.
4. Penis Stretching
Penis stretching is an alternative to weight hanging or can also be a supplemental exercise.

The idea behind penis stretching with penis stretchers is lower tension then weight hanging but for longer amounts of time.
Some guys wear stretchers for 8 to 10 hours per day to get results. Another option is to use a stretcher as a supplemental exercise along with a hanging program.
For example; if you were hanging 8 pounds for two sets at 15 minutes per set you could wear the ADS at lower tension for 30 minutes after you hanging session to prevent turtling and concrete your gains from your hanging sessions.
Penis stretching with stretchers and extenders is a great tool to have in your PE bag of tools and can be used a variety of ways. Checkout penis stretching results achieved by using this technique.
5. Penis Clamping
Penis clamping is another girth exercise that is often overlooked.

Penis clamping is very simple and basic, but is also an advanced exercise that takes practice and commitment to master.
The idea behind clamping is very similar to jelqing except rather than continually tracking the blood up the shaft over and over to stretch the wall of the penis, you are trapping the blood for long periods of time with the clamp.
The clamp is worn at the base of the penis trapping blood while you manually force additional blood into the penis with your pelvic floor muscle. Check out the product page for the Zen Clamp or our other blog post, What is Penis Clamping?, for more details about penis clamping for penis girth gains. Checkout the penis clamping results achieved by using penis clamping.
So there you have 5 things you can do to get a bigger penis. If you are new to penis enlargement start slow and work your way into things. Never rush or overdo it.
Penis enlargement is all about patience. There are a lot of different techniques and tools out there.
We here at Zen Hanger don’t believe there is any one way to success. You have to experiment and find what works best for you and create your own routine with a combination of tools, equipment and knowledge that works best for you. Each one of us is unique. If you stick with it and stay diligent you will get the gains you are looking for.
You can read more about natural penis enlargement on our blog article: How to Enlarge Penis Naturally
Medical Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, questions, or concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider directly. The articles on Zen Hanger are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis, or treatment. |