What Is The Best Vacuum Device For Erectile Dysfunction?
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It's estimated that as many as half of all men aged between 40 -70 experience some level of erectile dysfunction at some point in their lifetime. Up to 7 in 10 men aged 70 and over are likely to suffer from the condition that is also commonly known as ED.
Even if you’re not in either of the age groups you can still put yourself at risk of developing the common male condition that impacts on sexual functioning and libido.
Instead of just idly wondering:
“Can erectile dysfunction be fixed?”
“Can erectile dysfunction be reversed?”
And “What is the fastest way to help with erectile dysfunction?”
...You can be proactive in boosting your chances of having good sexual health!
Having an understanding of what helps erectile dysfunction can also greatly improve your sexual function and overall wellbeing.
So, what helps erectile dysfunction?
Well, using premium quality male enhancement products, during regular and consistent penis workouts, is a highly effective way in which to strengthen your penile elevations and maintain a rock hard erection for longer. One of the easiest devices to use is the vacuum penis pump (or vacuum device) that was invented by Dr John King in 1870.
Obviously, the original penis pump design has undergone technological advancements and improvements through the years, and is now widely available in an easy-to-use and safe model that men of all ages can benefit from using regularly.
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
Some men break into a cold sweat and worry about how to recover from erectile dysfunction without first identifying if they actually have the problem. If you want to know if you have erectile dysfunction, there are a number of key physical and psychological causes that you can explore.
Amongst the most common physical causes of erectile dysfunction are:
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Obesity
When physical health is compromised, blood flow to the penis is reduced, making it hard to get and keep an erection. The blood vessels in the penis can also narrow and become blocked, which also limits the erection-boosting blood flow.
Having high blood pressure, diabetes and/or high cholesterol can also impact on your ability to get and maintain an erection during intimacy.
If you’re overweight you are also likely to have high blood pressure and low testosterone levels.
Common psychological causes of erectile dysfunction include:
- Depression
- Stress
- Anxiety
Depression is an illness that can greatly reduce your libido. Some forms of depression treatment medication have side effects that make it hard to get an erection, and it also suppresses your sexual desire.
Stress is a health condition that affects different parts of the body (your penis included), and people in variable ways.
If you’re suffering from anxiety you may have concerns regarding your sexual performance, which makes it more challenging to get and keep a rock hard erection.
How To Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Before you start thinking and worrying about: How can I improve my erectile dysfunction? Why Can I Only Get Semi Erect? It’s important to make an appointment with your medical practitioner. Yes, it may be embarrassing to talk about your penis problems with a stranger, but it’s essential if you want to enjoy good sexual health.
Not all doctors will instantly prescribe a daily dosage of Viagra (or a similar ED drug) to help your erectile dysfunction. Many healthcare practitioners prefer to recommend the use of an automatic penis pump as an alternative to medication or surgery. It’s possible to use the handheld non-evasive device after prostate surgery, and if you have a penile implant.
Although the penis pump was originally designed to help overcome erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease (bent penis), it’s become a popular device for men who want to grow a bigger penis.
A penis pump boosts the flow of blood in the spongy erectile tissues of the shaft, causing the penis to become engorged and fully erect. Air vacuum penis pumps is one of the best ed vacuum devices that promotes penis enlargement gains that are instantly noticeable. The easy-to-use device can also help to restore your sexual confidence, and enable you to get stronger, longer-lasting erections and intensified orgasms.
Also Read: Penis Pump for Erectile Dysfunction
Unlike erectile dysfunction pills that usually have a long list of side effects, a non-evasive vacuum erectile dysfunction penis pump is safe to use, and it offers a natural remedy, with no side effects. For better understanding, have a look at the ed vacuum pump or Zen Pump demonstration video below.
How To Use A Penis Pump
The best vacuum device for erectile dysfunction is safe, and easy to use and clean. The high-tech design of the latest model of the popular male enhancement device means that you don’t have to worry about inadvertently trapping your testicles or skin in the pump.
To use:
- Insert your penis inside the transparent tube that is made from soft silicone
- Start to apply pressure
- Use the automated pump mechanism to remove the air from inside the tube
- As your penis becomes engorged with blood, the silicone base inside the chamber will begin to expand
- Keep an eye on the pressure, by checking the vacuum level, to ensure that your pumping experience remains comfortable
- When you’ve reached your desired elevation, gently release the pressure
The pressure that is applied to the ligaments of the penis, by the vacuum erection device, causes a noticeable increase in length and girth size.
How To Rehabilitate Erectile Dysfunction At Home
If you’re serious about wanting to know how to get rid of erectile dysfunction, it’s vital that you commit to making some positive lifestyle changes. Quitting smoking, moderating alcohol drinking, and kick starting a healthy eating and exercise regime are highly recommended steps that you can take towards becoming erectile dysfunction free.
Regular and consistent use of the best vacuum erection device produces noticeable sex function improvement and growth gains over time. Although the evident results that you get immediately after pumping may be somewhat temporary, regular use of an automatic penis pump, over a long period of time, delivers noticeable gains that are 100% sustainable and permanent.
To further amplify and upgrade your efforts at curing erectile dysfunction at home, you can also commit to a daily penis strengthening workout using a variety of high-quality male enhancement products.
Medical Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, questions, or concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider directly. The articles on Zen Hanger are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis, or treatment. |