How to Increase Semen Volume and Semen Production [Guide]

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how to increase semen volume

While many men are concerned with their size, there is more than that to want to improve. Many are curious as to how to increase semen volume. Just like penis size, having a higher volume of ejaculate is something that can help increase overall sexual pleasure and can help relieve anxiety surrounding sexual anxiety. For some, Increasing semen volume is just as important a goal to reach as improving their overall penis size.

Interesting Facts About Semen

how to increase semen volume

Before attempting to help solve the issue, it is a good idea to understand the basic facts of the semen itself. And is there any possibility to increase semen volume? If there is any possibility or options are available then how to increase semen volume? Knowing your body and how it works can go a long way toward helping you get the best results, as knowledge is key to any issue. Here are a few things you may not know about your semen.

  • Technically speaking, sperm and semen are two different things. Semen is the fluid itself, while sperm is the reproductive cells males have that are suspended in semen and constitutes around one percent of the fluid.
  • Though you may not be happy with the normal semen volume that you produce, the usual, average amount that most men give off is only enough to fill a five-milliliter teaspoon.
  • Most men will produce the most semen between the ages of 30 and 35. As one gets older, the amount produced tends to get smaller and will naturally and significantly decrease after the age of 55.
  • There is no real benefit in terms of fertility when it comes to increasing the volume of your semen, as it is possible to have millions of sperm inside of a low semen volume at one time.
  • The amount of semen that you commonly see in pornography is not normal and is instead either rare or made possible through clever camera angles that make it look like more than it is. As always, comparing yourself to porn stars is not the best idea, as the expectations are quite unrealistic.
  • Some men simply do not ejaculate at all.
  • Those who have had a vasectomy tend to output the same amount of volume both before and after the procedure.

How to Increase Semen Production

How to increase semen production

While some men are worried that their production is not enough to make their lover happy, it is true that most partners don't think all that much about the volume itself. This is another case of sexual insecurity that is largely unnecessary as you are likely projecting your concerns onto a sexual partner. In other cases, such as in some religious sects, semen is thought to be a rather precious life force that is not to be wasted or spilled in any way. Because of the emphasis that some religions place on this, it is increasingly important to some men to achieve a high semen volume.

The amount of semen that is produced is related to the size of a man's seminal vesicles. These paired organs found behind the prostate are the biggest factors in how much semen quantity comes out at any given time. How to increase semen production regardless of your reason for wanting to do so. It can be achieved by making a few lifestyle changes including your diet while also putting less focus on your size.

Increase Semen Volume Naturally

Natural Ways to Increase Semen Volume

It has been shown that as much as 33 percent of overweight and obese men experience a lower volume than some others. Therefore, losing some weight may be a good place to start when attempting to improve the flow and increase semen volume. Increasing semen production can also be achieved through mild to moderate physical exercise. High-intensity training is not recommended here even though it may seem like a faster way to achieve this; in fact, it is counterintuitive and can instead impact the quality of the sperm.

Drinking enough water is also just as important. Since your body is made mostly of water, it sends water where it is most needed to help the body complete its functions. Having proper hydration helps the body flush out the toxins and therefore produce healthier ejaculate without having to send water to other parts of the body first.

Smoking is something else that can slow your prostate's ability to produce semen. By quitting the habit, you may be able to produce a greater volume.

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Foods That Help Increase Semen Volume

Foods That Help Increase Volume

You can also improve the semen volume in the kitchen. Whatever it is you put in your body will impact what you can output. For this reason, eating a healthy and well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet may help you obtain more semen volume. In particular, healthy foods that have antioxidants are one of the best ways to improve not just your production but also your sperm count. You can maintain healthy levels of testosterone by consuming foods that have lysine, carnitine and arginine as well as fresh vegetables and fruits that contain antioxidants.

Beyond that, getting enough zinc, which is found in oysters, turkey and red meat in good amounts, lycopene found in peppers, tomatoes and watermelon and selenium which is common in nuts may further your efforts toward your goals. Another benefit of this is that the right balance of foods and nutrients can help improve upon the taste of your semen as well. Dairy products are good to avoid if you are trying to lose weight and they will help you with your goals. Instead, eat plenty of enhancing foods like blueberries, lemon, cinnamon, plums, pineapple, peppermint and wheatgrass to increase semen volume.

Using Vitamins to Increase Volume

Using Vitamins to Increase Volume

Yes, you can increase semen volume by using vitamins. Because semen is rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals, being able to boost the intake of vitamins, such as C, D and E. You can also make sure you are getting enough minerals, such as zinc and folate.

Taking these lifestyle tips into account while also using enhancement tools, such as Penis Hangers, Penis Pump and Penis Extenders, may help you achieve the sexual performance and function you've always desired.

View our video guides :Zen Hanger 6.5 pound penis weight hanger hanging system for male enhancement

 Medical Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, questions, or concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider directly. The articles on Zen Hanger are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis, or treatment.

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