10 Simple Steps To Increase Penis Sensitivity
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Penis sensitivity can greatly enhance or reduce a guy’s gratification pleasure.
And that’s a fact!
That’s because there are two types of penis sensitivity…the feel good and the downright bad.
Good orgasm-worthy penis sensitivity is what helps you enjoy great sexual activity, with or without a partner.
Bad sensitivity of the penis stops you wanting to masturbate or get jiggy with anyone.
If you’re experiencing tingly sensations in your dick that feel prickly or itchy, you may have one of a number of conditions that will require you to visit your medical practitioner asap. If you don’t have contact dermatitis, paresthesia (caused by nerve damage) or an STD, you may have what’s considered to be the most common side effect of aging - reduced penis sensation, or RPS.
What Is Reduced Penis Sensation?

Although it’s widely believed that reduced penis sensitivity only happens to men of a certain age, the reality is that it can affect guys in their teens and upwards.
For some men, the reduction of sensitivity only affects certain areas of the penis. While other guys are unable to experience the pleasure of tactile stimulation, which makes it difficult for them to get an erection and enjoy sexual activity. Loss of confidence, anxiety, frustration, depression and erectile dysfunction can result from having reduced penile sensations that are ignored.
But can you make your penis more sensitive if you have a lack of penis sensitivity?
Indeed, you can!
When you know how to increase penis sensitivity, you can experience longer and stronger erections, intensified orgasms, and a boost in your sexual confidence.
If you want to know how to gain penis sensitivity, so that you can enjoy a great sex life and enhanced intimacy, here are 10 simple and practical steps that you can take to make your penis more sensitive…
10 Simple Steps to Increase Penis Sensitivity
1. Give Your Lifestyle An Overhaul

While reduced penis sensitivity can be related to circulatory or nerve issues, it’s also possible that your lifestyle choices aren’t helping. Diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular problems can result in some loss of sensation in your dick.
There’s little point in knowing how to make your penis more sensitive if you’re not prepared to improve your lifestyle. Quit the unhealthy habits to restore penis sensitivity.
2. Improve Your Penis Hygiene

Rejuvenating and softening the penis skin, by maintaining good levels of personal hygiene, is important if you want to learn how to increase penis sensitivity.
Every day, gently but thoroughly wash your penis in the shower with warm water and a mild, non-perfumed soap or gel. If you have dry skin, use a natural moisturizer, like coconut oil, to lock in the essential moisture that keeps your penis skin in tip-top condition.
3. Manual Penis Stretching Exercises

A leading cause of sensory loss to the penis is having a thickened outer layer of skin on your dick. The friction of aggressive masturbation, or going commando chafing, can easily cause this skin condition.
To minimize the risk of your penis skin becoming keratinized, and blocking tactile stimuli, it’s essential that you handle your manhood with care.
Apply some lube and manually stroke and stretch the penis, using jelqing massage techniques. You’ll be able to feel when you’re gradually regaining penis sensitivity.
4. Penis Weight Hanging

Using a male enhancement device, like a penis weight hanging system, is an excellent physical workout step to follow when you’re learning how to increase sensitivity of the penis. By strengthening and lengthening your dick, you’re making it more responsive.
5. Apply Penis Clamps

Small and compact, penis clamps offer an alternative way of boosting the girth (thickness) and length of your penis. As they ‘clamp’ onto your manhood, they also elicit a sensitivity response.
6. Use A Silicone Penis Sleeve

To maintain penis sensitivity, it’s a good idea to pull on an ultra soft, body-safe multi-use silicone penis sleeve while penis stretching. Not only does this unassuming and handy little male enhancement device help to reduce the risk of bruising to the delicate penis skin, it also halts turtling (retraction) after your penis stretching workouts.
7. Boost Dimensions With A Penis Pump

One of the easiest ways that a guy can learn how to increase penis sensitivity is to use an automatic electronic penis enlargement pump.
You’re probably wondering, how can you make your penis more sensitive just by sliding it into a transparent chamber? Well. It’s all about the pumping action!
When you activate the electronic penis pump, the vacuum inside the chamber causes blood to draw into the penis. This increased forced blood flow to the shaft’s spongy erectile tissues makes the penis swell and stiffen into an awesome erection.
Due to the speed of the blood flow engorgement many men report that penis pumping feels sensually erotic, and that the experience also improves and heightens penis sensitivity.
8. Extend Your Stretch With ADS

Another way that you can learn how to make your penis more sensitive is to strap on and wear an ADS male enhancement device. The all day penis stretcher/extender is specially designed to be discreetly worn under clothing, so that you can enjoy optimal penis sensitivity benefits while you go about your usual business.
9. Speed Up Exercise Recovery
A specially formulated male enhancement penis enlargement pill, like Volume & Recovery, speeds up the healing process after a penis stretching workout. The all-natural supplement is packed with nutrients that also boost semen production and enhance penis sensitivity and responsiveness to stimulation.
10. Have Great Sex
Now that you know how to increase penis sensitivity, there’s only one step left for you to follow… Test your penis sensitivity by enjoying sexual activity! Don’t forget to apply a good quality lube, to minimize skin damaging friction.
To instantly get in the mood for sexual penetration, use our premium quality automatic electronic penis pump. It’ll super size your flaccid dick in no time! With increased penis sensitivity you’ll know exactly when to stop the vigorous pumping, and to pull on an erection prolonging cock ring.
Medical Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, questions, or concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider directly. The articles on Zen Hanger are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis, or treatment. |