Suffering from Weak Ejaculation? Don’t Worry, It Is Curable Now!

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Suffering from Weak Ejaculation

Ejaculation is one of the most known key components to a male orgasm, the expulsion of semen that is used to create life when it journeys through the female reproductive system to fertilize a woman's egg. However, as men age, or as a result of other causes, their ejaculation can weaken and their semen volume can drop. This can inhibit the chance at having future children, or it can make them feel weaker as a man. But don’t fret, there are treatment options available. But first, what exactly is a weak ejaculation, and what are its causes?

What is Weak Ejaculation?

What is Weak Ejaculation

When it comes to ejaculation, the strength of an ejaculation is measured by both the force with which the semen gets ejected from the tip of the penis and the volume of semen that is involved in the ejaculate. Over time, as men age, they will often eventually notice that either the force of their ejaculation, or the volume decreases. This is a natural occurrence. However, if it decreases too much, it could be cause for concern for a man, especially if he is still considering having children, or more children.

Also Read: How to Increase Semen Volume and Semen Production. 

If you didn’t know, at the prime of a male’s life, the average ejaculation ejects from the penis at about 28 miles per hour, although it can reach up to speeds of 43 miles an hour if it’s been a while since the last ejaculation. This forceful ejaculation is all thanks to the contraction forces of the pelvic floor muscles, which during orgasm involuntarily contract to force the semen through the penis and out of the tip. 75% of the semen volume that is ejected is produced by the seminal glands, while the rest is produced in the prostate gland. Weak ejaculation can be caused by many things, but in general, it involves either the production of semen within the seminal glands or in the prostate gland, or the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

The most common cause of weak ejaculation is the direct result of radiation therapy for cancer, or surgery of the prostate gland. Surgery in and around the urinary tract often requires a physician to prescribe you an alpha blocker in order to treat or prevent urinary infections due to the enlargement of the prostate, and this can be the cause of another type of weak ejaculation: retrograde ejaculation. Alpha blockers will relax the muscles of the bladder, which then, during orgasm and pelvic floor muscle contractions, could cause the semen to travel into the bladder instead of being ejaculated, resulting in what appeared to be zero semen volume at orgasm.

Every man will have weak ejaculation every now and then, but if it happens quite often, you should consult a doctor for a checkup.

Also Read: Male Infertility - What You Need to Know.

An ejaculation is considered to be weak if the semen volume produced is 2mL or less, two or three times. The average ejaculate is generally around 1 teaspoon, although the semen volume can increase for someone that does not ejaculate often.

What Causes Weak Ejaculation?

What Causes Weak Ejaculation

There are any number of factors that can lead to a weak ejaculation, and if you so suffer from a weak ejaculation, you can use this list of causes to try to narrow down your specific issue possibly, with the help of a doctor.

Age: This one is one of the main causes, as when men age their muscles slowly weaken over time, but also the body produces fewer male sex hormones, resulting in lower volumes of semen and sperm.

Alcohol: Alcohol can cause a relaxing of muscles, which often makes an erection very difficult to maintain, but if you do maintain one, it can also cause the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, and reduction in pleasure overall.

Psychological Cause: Depression, anxiety, previous sexual assault, or loss of attraction of a partner can reduce the pleasure of sex, thus reduce the fullness of an erection, and the force of ejaculation as well as semen volume.

Nerve Damage: Damage to the nerves of the bladder, or the spinal cord can reduce the strength of your ejaculation, seen more often within diabetics.

Prostate Disorder: Prostate enlargement or cancer of the prostate can reduce the amount of semen volume produced, and thus weaken ejaculation. Nerve damage from prostate surgery as well.

Other Factors: Sexual position, and lack of foreplay can also result in a weaker ejaculation and lower semen volume.

Medications: Alpha Blockers, antidepressant, antipsychotics, antihypertensives, and other medications can result in weak ejaculations. If you have started a new medication and notice a weak ejaculation, you can consult with your doctor about the situation, and for possible change in medication.

Know some interesting facts about semen & semen production and how to increase semen volume

Does Weak Ejaculation Make You Weaker?

The short answer is no. Strength of an ejaculation has no bearing on the strength of you as a man, or as a person.

How to Fix Weak Ejaculation?

How to Fix Weak Ejaculation

There are several treatments available for weak ejaculations. When speaking with a doctor he may give you several options to improve your ejaculate force and semen volume.

Medications are a common treatment for weak ejaculations, particularly if the cause is retrograde ejaculation. A number of medications can help keep your bladder closed while you orgasm and ejaculate. If your weak ejaculation is caused by an alpha blocker, you can ask your doctor for a different medication.

There are several home remedies that don’t require medications that a doctor may also recommend. Kegel exercises are popular amongst women, but they can also be used by men. Kegel exercises in men exercises the same muscle group as women, the pelvic floor muscles, and with better control of your pelvic floor muscles you can strengthen both your ejaculate, and also treat premature ejaculation. One such Kegel exercise is squeezing and releasing the muscles that control urination.

Also Read: How kegel exercise help to control erection elevation & make it Stronger. 

Finally, you can also attempt to use supplements that have been promoted to treat weak ejaculation. However, like medication, you should still consider consulting your doctor before starting a supplement treatment regimen.

How to Produce More Sperm When Ejaculating?

How to Produce More Sperm

A weak ejaculation could also be not just a reduction on semen volume, but also sperm count reduction. The average sperm count should be 15 million to 200 million per mL of sperm. There are several ways you can help boost your sperm when ejaculating.

  • Get enough sleep regularly: recommended 7 - 9 hours. Too little or too much can affect sperm production
  • Exercise - Being overweight can reduce sperm quality and count
  • Smoking - Smoking can inhibit the product of sperm, and greatly reduce sperm quality
  • Increase antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, E, Selenium and Lycopene.
  • Eat fewer trans fats.

If you are having trouble conceiving, consult your doctor, as the cause may be low sperm count, and if the above methods don’t work, they could recommend medications.

How ZH Penis Enlargement Pills helps to Slow Premature Ejaculation

In the end, if you believe you are suffering from weak ejaculation and low semen volume, you should consult your doctor right away for proper evaluation and to discuss treatment options.

Click here to learn more.

 Medical Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, questions, or concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider directly. The articles on Zen Hanger are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis, or treatment.

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