How To Stop Masturbating For A Week And Beat Porn Addiction For Good
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Masturbation is a normal, healthy and enjoyable activity that is part of life’s natural sexual experiences. It’s a safe way to explore your sexuality and to master self-pleasure.
Although there isn’t a Golden Rule Book that outlines how much masturbation is considered to be normal, acceptable or excessive, when the satisfying sexual practice dominates most of your waking thoughts and time, perhaps looking for ways in which to stop masturbating so much is a good idea.
Addiction to porn and masturbation can prevent you from performing daily tasks, and also interfere with your work, relationship, family and social life.
If you’re hooked on the high that you get from watching porn for endless hours, you may want to know how to stop masturbating so much.
If you’re the man that plans your day around when you can masturbate, how to stop masturbating for a week is an achievable goal for you.
If you’re a guy who worries that your habits are out of control, relax because cutting back on masturbation and quitting your porn addiction, really is possible.
How To Beat Porn Addiction for Good

Learning to stop masturbating is a gradual process that requires patience and consistent practice. To kick your unhealthy habit of watching porn for hours, it’s important to take practical measures to prevent yourself from easily accessing the stimulation that pornography offers.
If you live with a partner, family or roommates, move your computer to a public room in your home so that you’re not able to login to your favourite porn sites without other people noticing what you’re up to. Installing porn-blocking software will permanently remove the temptation to feed your addiction.
While it does takes time to overcome the urges and behaviors that you’ve practised for a prolonged period, starting a new lifestyle regime or hobby can make the retraining process more bearable and fun.
Steps in-order to Stop Masturbation:Manual Penis Stretching Exercise - Helps to Stop Masturbating
If you have a compulsion to whip out your penis for a pleasurable stroke throughout the course of the day, one effective way to stop masturbating is to focus your mind on penis growth, instead of sexual gratification.
Manual penis stretching exercises involve massaging the spongy erectile tissue in the shaft with your hands, in order to enhance length. Gently stretching the skin of the penis creates micro-tears in the erectile tissue. The torn tissue divides and multiplies, and makes your penis engorge and elongate as it repairs and heals.
If you want to know how to stop masturbation using this technique, follow the instructions below:
- Lube up your penis, so that’s it’s wet and slippery, and stops your hand from creating too much friction or chafing
- Begin by gripping the head of your penis with your dominant hand
- Gently pull your penis upwards, stretching it out for about 30 seconds
- Using your other hand to simultaneously apply pressure on the area around the base of the penis is entirely optional
- Repeat the same process by directing your penis in the opposite downward motion, for a further 30 seconds
- Finish off by pulling your penis to the left for 30 seconds, before changing position and pointing it to the right for another 30 seconds
Try Ancient Arabic Massage Technique of Jelqing to Stop Masturbating
An alternative hands-on approach to stopping yourself from masturbating is the ancient Arabic massage technique of jelqing, which teaches you how to take full control of your manhood.
To give this a go:
- Put your index finger and thumb together in the shape of an ‘O’
- Slide the ‘O’ over your penis - all the way down to the base
- Make the ‘O’ shape smaller, so that you feel mild pressure on your shaft
- Slowly move the ‘O’ towards the head of your penis, and stop when you reach the tip
- You can increase or reduce the pressure until you find your jelqing comfort zone
It’s safe to continue massaging the penis in this manner for 20 to 30 minutes. Avoid getting carried away by squeezing your dick too hard or aggressively. If you feel any discomfort or pain, stop immediately.
Regular jelqing penis stretching exercises will help you achieve noticeable length and girth gains over time. If you’re committed to following a penis enlargement regime, instead of masturbating, you’ll also increase your chances of stopping your addiction to porn.
How To Stop Masturbating For A Week

While manual penis stretching and jelqing may effectively distract you from wanting to masturbate in the present moment, and short-term, it you have a goal of stopping masturbating for a week you’ll need to consider an alternative and more focused approach. Penis enlargement products and devices offer a great way for guys to learn how to stop masturbation that is excessive.
When you’re trying to develop strategies on how to stop masturbation addiction, it’s helpful to have a full-on schedule planned. Activities like regular daily exercise will help you cut down on the opportunities that you have available for masturbation.
If you can identify when you’re most likely to masturbate, you can swap your addiction for the new hobby of growing a bigger dick. Scheduling a regular penis stretching workout helps to focus your mind and attention. Consistently training, over the course of a week, will help you overcome the masturbation urge and will teach you a new positive and confidence boosting behavior.
To balance out the lengthening exercises, it’s recommended that you use an automatic penis pump to boost girth size.
How To Stop Masturbation Beyond A Week
How Penis Stretching Devices are Helpful to Achieve Your Goal
After a week of focusing on your penis stretching goals, during workouts using an adjustable penis weight hanging system, a penis stretcher/extender, clamps and/or a vacuum penis pump, you will begin to start feeling more confident about beating your masturbation and porn addiction.
Don’t be in a rush to hurry the addiction quitting process, and don’t beat yourself up if you give into your urges after the first week. Be patient with yourself, and simply restart the weekly penis growing regime from the beginning.
Medical Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, questions, or concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider directly. The articles on Zen Hanger are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis, or treatment. |