How Guys Can Decide if Hanging Weights On Penis Is Right For Them
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Although there are a variety of male enhancement devices available on the market, to help you achieve your dream of having a bigger, longer and thicker penis, it’s definitely fair to say that penis weights get the most attention and interest.
Penis weights are specially designed for stretching your dick in a way that encourages gravity to do its thing. Hanging weights on penis can help you gradually lengthen the shaft, so that you have a penis that you’re proud to show off.
Whether you’re a young guy who lacks body confidence, or a mature man looking to rejuvenate your sexual health and sex life, an adjustable penis weight hanging system can help you enhance what you’ve already got.
If you’re not keen to go under the cosmetic surgeon’s knife, to gain dick that has extended length or girth, hanging weights from penis offers a viable alternative solution that you can try out in the comfort of your home.
What Are Penis Weights?
As the name implies, penis weights are small weights that you hang from the tip of the penis to gradually lengthen it. Penis hanging weights can be used independently or alongside other male enhancement devices, such as an ADS (All Day Penis Stretcher/Extender) or an electronic vacuum penis pump.
How Do Penis Weights Work?
Just like the cell division processes that are used for different types of body stretching modification in indigenous cultures all over the world, penis stretching works in the same way to achieve noticeable elongated results over time.
Unlike the manual penis stretching exercises that involve the ancient Arabic massage techniques of jelqing, penis hanging with penis weights creates a controlled stretch.
When you attach weights on penis in a standing position, gravity naturally takes over to apply a consistent stretch. The amount of the incremental weight that you suspend from the tip of your penis increases tension and resistance.
If you’re starting out with penis hanging because you’re curious to find out do penis weights work, you’ll need to attach the lightest weight in your beginner’s adjustable penis weigh hanging system. When you’ve been consistently and regularly penis stretching for a while you can advance to the next heaviest penis weight hanger, and so on.
Just like a gym workout, the more you work your penile tissues by hanging weights from penis, the stronger your manhood will get. Having a stronger penis means harder erections that you can sustain for a longer duration.
Is Penis Weight Hanging Safe?
When you’re contemplating anything that involves your manhood, it’s absolutely essential that you take a moment to weigh up the safety elements, and any potential risks.
Having a gung-ho attitude about your penis is likely to result in some kind of pain or damage. This is especially so when you’re hanging weights on penis. Strapping on the heaviest weight and hoping that your dick can handle it, when you’re a beginner, is a foolish thing to do.
When you’re hanging weights from penis, always listen to your body and don’t overdo it. It’s crucial that you learn how to use penis weights correctly and safely, if you want to achieve your desired growth gains without a visit to the emergency department of your local hospital!
Avoid too much movement during your penis stretching workout. While you’re literally left hanging, focus your attention on the benefits that you will enjoy as a result of your dedication.
Always follow the manufacturer’s recommended guidelines to stay safe. While a little discomfort is to be expected (you are after all hanging weights from your dick!) immediately stop and remove the penis weight hanger if you experience pain while penis stretching.
Hanging weights from penis may be an effective way to boost the dimensions of your penis, but it’s a practice that requires a sensible approach and self-discipline.
Does Weight Affect Penis Size?
Although this may not be something that you want to read: It’s a fact that as men age, their penises and testicles experience some degree of shrinkage. This natural reduction in size can be further compromised by body weight that is excessive.
A gain in weight can result in your penis looking smaller than you would like it to be. It appears to have shrunk because it’s attached to the abdominal wall that pulls your dick inward when your protruding belly expands. Getting back on track with regular cardio-vascular exercise will help you overcome temporary dick shrinkage and regain your usual penile proportions.
Committing to a regular program of penis weight hanging exercises will further enhance the appearance of your manhood, and help you enjoy additional benefits – like harder erections, increased semen production, improved stamina and stronger orgasms.
How To Use Penis Weights
If you’re a guy who loves to challenge himself, penis weights are a great option for growing a bigger dick. Successful penis hanging requires commitment and dedication to a regular workout regime.
Start with a low weight and gradually work your way up the incremental weights that are supplied in your adjustable penis weight hanging system. Don’t expect your penis to look bigger after the first session. Penis weights are designed to stretch the penile tissues slowly and gradually over a prolonged period of time.
Although you may not be able to see noticeable results for some time, you can gauge how you’re doing by how your body reacts to the tension caused by the penis weight hanger you’ve attached to your dick. Your penis will also let you know when its ready to move on to the next weight.
Boost Your Penis Weight Hanging Efforts
Using a silicone penis sleeve as a comfort sleeve can help to minimize skin bruising during all forms of penis stretching exercise. You can cut the soft, second skin penis sleeves into shorter sections that can be moved up and down the shaft.
After a penis weight hanging workout, speed up the healing process by popping a Volume & Recovery male enhancement penis enlargement pill. The specially formulated supplements work in synergy with your body to boost your physical efforts.
Medical Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, questions, or concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider directly. The articles on Zen Hanger are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis, or treatment. |