Explaining The Concept Of Pornography-induced Erectile Dysfunction
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There are a lot of misconceptions behind the idea that pornography cannot cause Erectile Dysfunction (ED). However, there are different experiences and reports that prove otherwise. It is necessary to understand how porn-induced ED works and how porn addiction can lead to unfulfilling sex life.
Porn-induced ED

Porn-induced ED means erectile dysfunction caused by excessive watching of pornography, but you might wonder, how does watching porn induce erectile dysfunction? This subject matter is quite controversial and has not been utterly proven.
Excessive watching of porn has a way it affects you psychologically, and you begin to feel less attracted to an actual person and find it hard to be aroused by one, you lose interest in sexual intimacy, etc. All of these factors contribute to what we call Porn-induced ED.
Real Life vs. Reel Life
Undoubtedly, no one can compare the sex portrayed in pornographic films to the sex in real life. Sex scenes in porn films, especially hard-core porn, are too graphic and, most times, exaggerated. So what are some of the differences between real life and reel life?
- Real-life sex produces more intimacy than watching porn can ever give.
- Reel-life sex eludes foreplay which leads to more intimacy between partners, while real-life sex allows for foreplay.
- Real-life sex is satisfying, while reel-life sex produces unrealistic expectations.
- Real-life sex is psychologically healthy while watching porn has an adverse psychological effect.
- Too much porn consumption can desensitize a man sexually, while real-life sex cannot.
- Real-life sex is healthy, fun, and enjoyable, while reel-life sex can lead to erectile dysfunction.
So, before watching porn, you should consider your options well. Reel-life sex is never a safe bet, and it only damages you. I bet you instead choose real life rather than choosing reel life.
Effects of Pornography On Your Real Life

Pornography has some adverse effects on your day-to-day life and can affect your well-being generally. Let's look at more reasons why you should choose real-life sex over pornography.
Disconnect With Real Life
Watching too many pornography films can consume much of your time because it can easily lead to an addiction. You may begin to lose interest in other activities that can benefit you more. You even start to miss out on friends and family hangouts because of porn, and little by little you begin to miss out on the fun things in life. You stand the chance of even losing your relationships due to porn addiction.
Anxiety can be described as an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat. Much research has been done concerning the relationship between anxiety and porn watching. A 2012 research suggests that early exposure to porn contributed to problematic behaviours in people, part of which is anxiety. Especially religious people even suffer from anxiety more, and they are always afraid of being exposed or being caught by someone.
Less Confidence During Sex
Too much exposure to pornographic films can make you less confident during sex with your partner than when you didn't watch porn. What porn does to you psychologically is create unrealistic expectations in your head. You feel less confident in yourself when you cannot meet these expectations. Whereas sex scenes portrayed porn films are usually not true. The men also in porn films have a body shape primarily due to drug intake; comparing yourself to these porn stars can cause you to lowly esteem yourself.
Loss of Interest in Real-life Sex
When you get addicted to too much porn, you will lose interest in real-life sex. Watching too much porn will make you lose interest in real-life sex because you would have been too used to reel life sex which you will not be able to get. Italian research involving 28,000 participants said that too much watching pornographic films reduces libido secretion in men.
Erectile Dysfunction
Too many pornographic films, especially hard-core porn, can affect your brain and affect the way you get aroused. Porn-induced ED is primarily psychological. Chemicals in your brain are tampered with, and dopamine, for example, which is responsible for sexual pleasure, is poorly produced.
Too much exposure to porn over time will make you less attracted to actual humans and make you not aroused by them, which is what we call erectile dysfunction. The effect of too much exposure to porn listed above can be avoided for a more enjoyable and beneficial sexual life with your partner.
Good News For Men Suffering From Pornography-induced Erectile Dysfunction
Regardless of the dangers of porn addiction, there is good news for those suffering from porn-induced ED. Several treatments can help people dealing with porn-induced ED. Some of which are:
- Electronic or Automatic Penis Pump
- Penis Stretcher/Extender
- Therapy
- Reduce Porn Consumption
- Medical treatments or drugs
- Support Groups
- Self-help Treatments
It is always better to carry a partner when trying to stop your porn addiction, which is one significant step to addressing porn-induced ED. Do not be afraid to share your struggles with your partner.

What is pornography-induced erectile dysfunction?
Pornography-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) is a condition in which a person's excessive use of pornography leads to difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection during sexual activity.
How does pornography use lead to erectile dysfunction?Prolonged and excessive use of pornography can lead to desensitization of the brain's reward center, which can reduce sensitivity to sexual stimuli in real-life situations. This can make it more difficult to become aroused and maintain an erection during sexual activity.
How can someone know if they have PIED?If a person is experiencing difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection during sexual activity and they have a history of excessive pornography use, it is possible that they may have PIED. A healthcare provider can help to determine the underlying cause of the problem and recommend appropriate treatment options.
Can PIED be treated?Yes, PIED can be treated. Treatment may involve quitting pornography use and participating in therapy to address underlying psychological factors that may be contributing to the problem. In some cases, medication or hormone therapy may also be recommended.
Can quitting pornography use reverse PIED?Quitting pornography use can help to reverse PIED in some cases. This is because it allows the brain's reward center to reset and become more sensitive to sexual stimuli again. However, the extent to which erectile function can be restored may vary depending on individual factors such as the severity of the dysfunction and the length of time pornography use has been a problem.
An efficient and convenient way of resolving porn-induced ED is the Penis Pump. The penis pump uses a vacuum system to draw blood to the penis; blood drawn to the penis helps to keep the penis erect long enough for sexual pleasure. You can trust the penis pump to achieve an erection for those struggling with porn-induced ED. It is a gradual process and will take a lot of dedication on your part, but it is a solution all the same.
The Penis Pump is built with convenience in mind, and you can purchase this device and many others from ZenHanger. You can never go wrong when you shop with ZenHanger. Click here to make your purchase.
Medical Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, questions, or concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider directly. The articles on Zen Hanger are underpinned by peer-reviewed research and information drawn from medical societies and governmental agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis, or treatment. |